Friday, February 5, 2010

{A Comforting Opportunity}

Some of my friends will recognize the verse below: I shared it a couple days ago.

7Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, 8because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does... Ephesians 6(NIV)

While reading, this verse seemed to jump out as if to catch my attention. Again, I read over it, and, as I am sure many of you have experienced, it was as though it came out in new light. Despite the fact that I've read it before, this time in particular, it touched deep.

As I was pondering on the verse throughout the day, I had many thoughts like so:
"How great it is to know God sees our motives and deeds even though they may be little...even though there are so many of us...and we are so small while He is so big.."

"How amazing to know that when other people might not recognize or may overlook someone, God tells us He will surely reward for the good that was done!"

"What comfort it is to know that in any situation, I can see it as an opportunity to serve my Heavenly Father..."

Looking back, I imagine that last thought might have made God smile. Let me explain. The following day, all the circumstances God put me in were the "comforting opportunities" I thought about the day if saying "Oh you like that verse? Now, Let me teach you How to apply it"

and boy, it was NOT easy.
my mom doesn't drive, sometimes she will ask us kids to take her from point A to Z, or help her with whatever errands there may be...on this particular day that I had off from work, I mentally planned to accomplish 3-5 of my own personal tasks. And with only one phone call from Mom, I was asked to set my plans aside....

Now, I didnt say "no", I didnt grunt. I didnt tell her "Mom, seriously, please respect the fact that I need to do things too, you know, important stuff, and well, you have 4 kids....3 of which can drive just as safe, if not better, and mayyyybe, just maybe I have more things to get done than...the boys." even though I was guilty of thinking that...
actually I was calm on the phone, calm in the car...SO calm, that Mom noticed! as she said: "it hurts to see you so quiet, it hurts to think I am a burden"

and thats when I felt like I died from embarrassment...I heard myself analyze inside my head...why wasn't I happy to help Mom? and then it hit me! I wasn't thinking of serving God through this! I didnt even find this an opportunity to go against my own will, my own comfort, so that I may find comfort in this opportunity to serve!

I apologized and hugged mom and told her the lesson God taught me that day. Its kinda hard, actually...but with God's help, we will be able to apply His Love, and His way of serving on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Awe, what a great testimony! I love it when we learn lessons like that, when we acctually apply them....Praise the Lord. Your so sweet for helping out, I know how it is when you have your days off all planned out...except I don't think I would react the same way you thank you for the example.