Tuesday, October 5, 2010

THIS HITS HOME>for many believers

"Men and women can understand the progmatic notions of: faith, can decide that they life that, can commint themselves to a religious joourney, and remain completely unchanged by the power of God....

you decided that church ought to have a place in your life, for whatever reason. The spirit of God is at work within your heart says "Come one, let's get serious." So you begin to get serious. Youve come a long and you've decided that theres a measure of pragmatism in what's being said. Afterall, it's a peace of mind, and I like peace of mind. Afterall, it gives me a sence of equilibrium in my week, and I like that. Afterall, it kind of reinforces family... and I think family is important. And it also says to me, there's purpose out there.

So embracing the validity of all of that...so you've decided, of your own volition...to commit yourself to a religious journey, and you're on it.

But here's the problem: When you started the journey, you were a dreadful swearer, and you swear just as much as you ever did. When you started the journey, you were a liar, and you lie as much as you ever did. When you began the pilgrimige your life was full of bitterness and of envy and of hate and of rebellion and of guilt, and you are still EXACT SAME AS YOU EVER WERE!

And you know it. And youre troubled by it....You have simply recognized the wisdom that is contained in a way of life, but you have never come to learn in Jesus, that way to life. So your faith.. is fatuous. It is resting on MAN's wisdom....it will help you walk the walk and talk that talk and may lead you to the very pit of hell...

That is why Paul trembled at the thought that men and women can so miss the point...as to embrace the shell, and miss the substance. And go on their journey, continually lost...."

"So that your faith may not rest on man's wisdom, but on the transforming power of the Spirit of God."

truthforlife.org Alistair Begg "Testimony of a Preacher"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmmm....Jesus spoke out so strongly against the religious estableshment. why is that?..makes u wonder if religion is a God's establishment at all,...or is it just another pillar of the worldly matrix of spiritual enslavement...