Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Little Warm Encouragement

I heard a very good preacher tell this story. In Siberia during the cold winter months, the inmates of a jail were required to labor at cutting down trees. Winters in Siberia were very cold and these inmates would return to cold and damp baracks. They had one stove which one of the men tried to heat up to warm the room, but since there was nothing to make fire with, this really wasn't effective at heating the room. Of course they grumbled and complained that this man didn't do his job right and they had to go to sleep in wet freezing clothes. Nevertheless, the man told them that everytime they were done working, they should each bring dry sticks or any wood that they could contribute to the stove. Each man did just that and each contributed firewood to warm their baracks. Of course, the room of the baracks filled with the so much yearned for warmth!

It is so important for us Christians to realize that we need to labor together in unity if we are striving for one goal. We need to each bring something into our churches to create that pleasantly warm atmosphere of a spiritually burning flame. If it is a prayer group we need to each bring encouragement, a heart willing to pray, and ears that are willing to listen. If it is a marriage, we need to know what God requires of us to each bring/contribute into a marriage to create that loving, burning flame of a Godly family. If it is singing in a choir, we need to contribute our efforts and our voices to create that one flaming fire that reaches up in praise to God.

WE need to contribute and not look upon one person to pull the weight. Lets make that flame a lil brighter shall we?

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Romans 12:4-5


Victoria said...

this is so true...many times people forget how much more can be done (and God wishes) when each individual strives to truly be useful in doing. thank you for emphasizing that. =)

Nat said...

Awe, I like that...thax for the reminder Nad! For somer reason reading this filled me with memories of Christmas time, and sitting by the fireplace with family...(maybe it was the image, along with the story itself...)
I know I deffinetely need to contribute more into just about everything I do...guess I'll start trying really hart! Thanx again!

Nat said...

Ooops...sorry I can't spell today...that was supposed to be a "some", and then a "hard" at the end...too lazy to go back an fix it...