Monday, April 27, 2009

What Should I Do and Who should I listen to?

Oh the question of God's will....How deep and difficult it is to grasp when a specific situation arises where you long to search for an answer. Sometimes, like this particular time in my life, I truly wish God's will would hit me in the face, plainly and clearly...and I would respond with a "ohhhhhh, ok, got it." Interestingly enough, I haven't been hit with anything other than the wind that is kinda hyper today out here in Sacramento. =)

We all search for a clean cut answer. Life would be so simple if answers for any given circu
mstance, concern or question were found in the lovely useful good ol' Websters...or Wikipedia (eeek! jk). Maybe life would be simply boring actually. And in search of an answer: whether it be where/when to go to college, what to major in, where should I be active in church, how should I handle this relationship, whom to trust/marry/obey/follow, missionary opportunies...often times we will find a different answer for every person we bring it up to....and the answers may even contradict one another.

Knowing that God can answer our questions....we search for "God's answer" from PEOPLE. Surely His answer wouldnt be on a mountain from a cloud...or miraculously from the mouth of a frog...or you know, what have point is that we may accept answers from people who we trust and consider our closest (or consider close enough to God), that we believe God used as a vessel to provide us with His will. That is a possibility and I have no doubt that God does use preachers/pastors/parents and even children to talk to our hearts in particular.

But notice
that God doesnt have a limit to the endless possibilities of opening His will for us...and if we search for His will in a bush, I believe even then, you will find it. you know why? Because God CAN answer depends on how ready you are receive it and where you search.

May I offer a reminder to first myself and all of you dear readers...God's beautful Love Letter to us (BIBLE) has already answered all questions mankind can throw at it. Our Father forsees in every possible situation, specific to your life! Amazing isn't it? No, you will not find: "Judy Smith, this is what God's will is for you" in the Bible....but while you searh in His wor
d, the Holy Spirit will touch your heart and guide you to recognize God's calling/answer for your question. Be encouraged, for through His word, we believe we are called sons and daughters of the King of Kings...Who loved us even before our existence.Whom shall I fear??! Praise Him!

Philippians 4:4-7
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Nadia said...

Thank you Vickie for posting this entry! So uplifting and encouraging! Searching for the will of God does rely on if you're ready. For example a mother will not make her four year-old daughter wash all the dirty dishes at this young age, but instead a sensible mother knows when her daughter is mature enough to realize how to handle slippery, soapy dishes without breaking them.

Nat said...

I like your analogy put a picture to the phrase "when we are ready"...
True. God reveals His will to us at the time most appropriate in His schedule. But on our side, we have to be willing to accept His will and first of all, seek His will.

I love the Bible verse you put at the bottom Vicky, it always gives me comfort to read that God's peace can fill my heart beyond all understanding...and what more does one need when the things in this world seem so out of place, and there is no clear sight of an answer to those unending problems we all come accross.
