Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are You a Fool?


Nat said...

That was pretty neat, thanks Nadia...and I stumbled upon in just in the right time...(reading some of those Bible verses saved me from sinning with out knowing that I would be) ...What shocked me was that the Bible speaks so much about fools and warns us many times...and yet as I was going through the questions, I realized that my actions at times resemble those of fools. I am shammed, and also embarassed that I did not pay close attention to the emphasis on this in the Bible when I read those verses before.
...Last but not least...it scared me that foolishness is/ could be sin. (Don't remember the exact verse)..but it was a great road block for me to stop and re-think on many things.
Also want to recomment that if you go on this link, read the previous blog post and the one right after this test...very encouraging and helpful -especially for young women.


Nadia said...

Yep I read the blog posts of the Botkin sisters. I've had their web link on our blog for awhile now. They are the women who produced the Return of the Daughters video and the "So Much More Book". I'm glad this link helped you.