Sunday, June 21, 2009

Loud and Deadly

This is perhaps the only muscle in our body that we don't have to train to be more stronger and better built like our abs, arms, legs, etc. We don't have to worry about doing a series of workouts that will improve its performance or appearance. We don't need a specific diet for it, or certain amount of vitamins and health foods to make it healthier. No nothing at all. But nevertheless, I would not be mistaken to say that this is one of the most powerful muscles in our body. Able to kill, scar, bruise, shatter, break, and just in general leave a huge path of destruction behind when it gets out of control.
Used in everyday speech and food-chewing, this organ is very much essential to the human. Sounds harmless, but if you've ever heard a driver pull down a window and scream numerous word sentences that make your ears wilt (goodness! Just because you cut him off accidentally) or a woman "sharing" noisily her feelings about "this girl that took away my man", you begin to realize how very sharp and deadly this organ can be.
I am a witness to how much the tongue can damage a person. Gossip, slander, and just the wrong words at the wrong time, can seriously do some damage. Some people even said that they would rather get physical scars that they can see and nurse to health rather than the emotional scars that are inflicted by the actions of the tongue and take forever to heal.
As women, we tend to have a weakness of the tongue. I'm sorry, but I will be blatant. The bible has a lot to say about the tongue and of course specifically the bible has some words for us women (Proverbs 21:9, 21:19) In general, Proverbs is very much full of advice and examples of what a wise and a foolish person says and does. Therefore, read Proverbs everyday in addition to whatever else you're reading.There's lots of wisdom in those verses. Need I say more?
Women have a lot of influence in their homes and in their societies. Look at the biblical woman Esther and how she hugely impacted her people and all because she knew her role as queen and her responsibility before God and her people. Look at Mary, Jesus' mother in her obedience and humbleness she became the mother of our Saviour! This is just a few of the women in the bible who made a positive impact and serve a great example even today for all of us ladies! That impact also comes largely from what these women said (the bible shows us the dialogues of these women).
As I said, the tongue is a witty muscle that doesn't need some special workout to be healthy and strong. All you have to do is talk. Of course, the way you use it, will condemn you when you are at the throne of God. Please guard your tongue. Understand that through this small, almost innocent organ, can result lots of emotional destruction of the person who is hearing you. Lets be like the Proverbs 31 woman. "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26 And lets understand: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue..." Proverbs 18:21.

Here are all the references about the tongue in the bible.


Nat said...

Thank you so much for posting this...I can't even express how much I agree with you right now...I hope that God directs other young women to read this in time before they do damage with thier tounge, or better yet, I pray that God opens the hearts and minds of young ladies to understand how important this issue is and see it through the pages of the Bible as they read the Word.
...and not only young ladies...I believe women of all ages need to learn now to hold their tounge (our mamas aged peoples too) said that the tounge doesn't need workout to stay in shape,...your right, only it needs workout to stay quiet at times...that requires more strengh.
Ofcourse we know that this issue of the tounge is just the outcome of the inner issue that goes on in the heart...this does not give an excuse for gossipers to continue gossiping just because they are expressing what's within, but rather it should be the alarm that goes off to warn people that something isn't right on a deeper level- and needs fixing. I pray that God continues to renew our minds, so that we would understand His truths on this big issue...

Another quick thought...It's amazing how one's mood can totaly go up or down from hearing a certain phrase or even a singe word. At times I feel as if peoples words are messing up my life, things said out of order, directed in the wrong way, or just understood incorrectly on my end...but when I think about it, I think God allows that to test my reaction, and to test the "strengh of my tounge" - meaning my ability to hold back the negative feedback, and clense it out of my heart.

~Blessings to all...

Victoria said...

wow very powerful and well written nadia! What a conviction! I regret not keeping these verses on my tongue instead of the other things.... Thank you so much for this post.

Nat, i also love how you said "tongue doesnt need workout for needs to stay quiet..which takes a lot more strength!!"

God, please help me =)

Nat said...

you are so honest...I love your comment Vicky...I think we all need God's help in are not the only one...I know I do too....