Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Days of Trials

…Days of Trials…
I Exalt your Name, O Lord!
Only You can satisfy...
It's In You where I find peace,
And the strength to carry on.
When the world is crashing down,
And the pressure seems so strong...
Only you can give that strength
To lift up my face through faith.
In these days I learn to find,
Than in You my strength renews...
Only You restore my joy
As my knowledge of You grows.
These are tests prepared by You,
Days of distressed trials...
In the end, Your lessons are revealed
Making my faith that much stronger.
Praise to You O Lord, My King!
Prince of Peace, My Only Savior!
Holy, Righteous, Worthy is Your Name,
Sheppard, Counselor, Friend of mine- O Jesus!
And I ask that through these days,
I may gain a heart of wisdom...
That I learn to find True Joy,
In the presence of Your Glory.
Bless the ones who feel this way,
Those who share my pain and sorrow...
Help us all to seek Your will
Through these tough yet needed battles.
People go through seasons of trials in their faith, some grow stronger while others, unfortunately weaker...this poem was written on one of those weary days, when at first glance it may have seemed that there's no reason to rejoice, and yet miraculously deep within, my heart was full of praises to the One and Only....
I hope that it can inspire and encourage those who feel like giving up when seasons of trials try to take away the joy that's found only in Jesus.
Praise be to the Lord in Heaven.


Lena said...

Thank you Nat for up lifting my spirit, I really needed that! God Bless you ! :)

Irina said...

Wow, thank you Nat, that was a lift! thanks.

Nadia said...

Awesome poem Nat! Very inspirational:)

Victoria said...

wow! I LOVED IT =) thanks so much!! It amost felt like reading a chapter from Psalms...i love psalms.

Anonymous said...

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4

Nat said...

True indeed Mr. or Miss. Anonymous...Thank you for the comment.
...ofcourse it's always much easier to accept with joy after the trial is over and the lesson is learned,or to say that I will accept it with joy when it comes, but at the peak of the trial itself...it doesn't work that way all the time...or at least for me it doesn't.

pursueing_God said...

man there is no end to your talents are there? praise God! this poem would have come in handily a few months ago but God's time is perfect. i agree that at the peak of trials it is hard to see the blessings, so often we complain and whine and scream at heaven .. pain blinding our eyes and overshadowing our faith. "to be broken is to heal" that is one blessing that always rings true, once you have been broken by something you can idenify with others and help them come through their times of sorrow. praise God for the times of pain and sorrow!