Friday, July 17, 2009

{three thoughts and a thank you}

It's so nice to get messages from God when you least expect it...He never fails to impress me, and His interest in molding me into a Child of His is so mind boggling....who am I that He would care for me so?? I will never be able to grasp God's unconditional love.

I was privileged to visit a church in Roseville where 2/3 messages were provided. This church service style was completely not what I grew up with. Think Desert vs Ocean. yea, that big of a difference. Where we kneel down to our knees to pray, they lift up their arms, where we sing with slight emotions in our eyes, their whole body reflects all they feel through praise and worship. Neither is more "correct"...God told me....for just as each child has a unique relationship with his/her parents, and requires a unique approach in return, so is Our Heavenly Father with us, His children.

Is there anything you can claim as entirely yours? Tithing has never been an issue in my life...Our church calls us to tithe as the Bible does, however, they never guilt us into doing it..There is a system at our church to give monthly...and that's what most people do. To give additionally, however, is done voluntarily. The church I visited literally blew me away by the way their family Thrives to GIVE TO GOD. I mean these people wip out their calculators and before spending even on a piece of gum, they give the 10% OF WHAT GOD GAVE THEM!. This is where I was convicted by the Spirit. I never really saw it from the perspective of giving God the first of His present to you.

If we really, I mean TRULY believe in God and His word...then we cannot help but act upon the calling of being a leader of faith, and advocate of truth. Starting with the most simple of things...and ready to be called into the most challenging ones of all. The pastor of the Roseville church shared a scenario: walking through the mall with his wife he notices a new store, a bathing suit store. A Huge poster of a young gentleman is hung in the front as a welcoming sign....except that when they see it in full...he is wearing nothing but low that the pubic hair is shown. yea, sorry...not very pleasant to read, i know. THE PASTOR IS OUTRAGED at this....I am sure I would be too...and hopefully all of you who may be reading this. I would continue to be upset, maybe shake my head in disgust and think about how the world is just going downhill.

BUT THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO LEAD!! the pastor walks into the store, speaks to the manager, who refers him to the Admin of the entire mall. The Pastor vocalizes his concern, describing it as "molesting kids' minds" by presenting inappropriate pictures in a public mall where kids and teens are. This served as a great reminder and example for me personally.

One day as I was working I realized how much it didn't seem like I was at WORK...I genuinely enjoyed the rewarding feeling of caring for others and all that is included in doing so. At that moment I felt such gratitude that God lead me to become a Nurse...I could have made so many mistakes if I would pick and follow my random hobbies and passions (music, art, teaching) But My Father in Heaven has provision and by His love lead me to this calling. I will thank Him for it every day of my life. I encourage everyone to seek His guidance in everything...even where to work =)



Nat said...

I'm glad God is speaking to you and convicting you through the Holy Spirit...thank you for sharing...that story of the Roseville church pastor kinda inspires to be more active in different areas of our life...I mean God used him even in the mall...! When we think of how our Awesome God can do so much through us common always makes me joyfull to know that through this God is Glorifyed. !!!

Nadia said...

Goodness! I should say something to the admin of a community college who have a full length painting of a nude woman in a window of a professors office! And that same comminity college held a kids art night right in front of that window! Disgusting!

Victoria said...

ow wow nadia that does sound pretty bad!!! lets go together!!