Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beautiful Modesty

When the topic of clothes (skirt length, sleeve length, size too small) comes up in our church, I immediatly think uh ohhhh. While sitting down I unconsciously pull down on my skirt to cover any showing knees and reach to my neckline to tug up on that too. Wow, I think. These folks REALLY care about how we women dress! And in essence our church leaders really DO care about how we ladies dress (as well as our parents). With all do respect, they are doing us ladies a huge favor believe me!!!

God has made us women (and all people in general) for a purpose: to glorify the Lord in our bodies and souls just like the bible teaches. We are a unique creation beautiful and feminine. We ARE girly, giggling, emotional creatures! We do need that respect, love, and appreciation from those around us. We as women have that certain charm and way of dressing ourselves that really attract those around us.

But sadly, most of the young women today have the mistaken belief that "undressing" themselves will earn them that attention that they deserve.

We see a degrading society where women are just objects to look at and discard. In our brains we think that that's really what can catch a guy's attention, I mean after all, that's what our glossy fashion magazines portray! They portray a woman's outer beauty and overexposed body as the most essential part of a woman. But heyyy... who cares about the inner beauty!! We want to show what can be seen!

Hey ladies?

...Trash that belief!!!

Today we will be talkin about what REALLY attracts a guy... and I WILL cite my sources!!!

I came upon a really handy resource for all young women who are interested in checking it out. This is a modesty survey in which men were asked many questions such as what men think is modest (like jeans, length of skirt, jewelry...etc.) on a young lady. Keep in mind that men of all ages were asked these questions and many said one thing... they are more attracted to a modest woman than a woman who undresses to impress. (survey URL: Also, there is a blog by Christy Taylor who invited a male guestblogger to give women a man's perspective on how men view modest women.

So often (me included) we forget to ask the question...who am I dressing for? When I walk out of that, door, will I be a stumbling block to other men (married or unmarried)? I have heard from other men, (several actually) that openly admit that it is a temptation when a young lady is overly exposed and especially in a church setting. People come to church to praise the Lord and give Him all the attention, but instead, the attention is on certain young ladies who do not realize that other men around them are being led into temptation and even more led into the sin of lust. We know perfectly well that God does not tolerate these sins. And we aren't even talking about our world outside of church yet ladies!!!

One gentlemen from Christy Taylor's blog writes. “If I could say anything to the women in the church, it would be this. First, there is not a man I know that doesn’t in some way struggle with lust. If they had any idea what went through guys minds it would probably vastly change the way they dress. Secondly, and I think most importantly, God has created his church to be a resting place for Christians, to be a place where people can encounter God with out all the distractions. It is disappointing when I walk into the church or an event with the church and have deal with the same temptations I that face in the world. But I rejoice whenever I see a girl or women who is attempting to serve the lord and guys by dressing modestly. You have no idea how sweet and challenging it is when I see a women who has decided not to flaunt her body like the culture shouts for her to do but rather she has decided that serving the lord and her brothers is more important. Glory to God for women like that! " (What Guys Love About Modest Women, by Christa Taylor)

Another young man says: “You have no idea how much it means to me as a guy when I see girls who are doing their best to be modest. These are girls that I feel completely comfortable being friends with, and by their actions they demand my respect. Modesty will win you the friendship of guys who will care about you as a person and will see you as a sister in Christ before they see you as anything else…” (What Guys Love About Modest Women by Christa Taylor)

And so in my conclusion I would like to say that we as women owe it to the men around us to spare them from temptaion and sinful lust. They have enough to deal with in our sinful society with its provocative fashion.

Also check out this URL about what men love about girls: you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:20

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30


Lena said...

Wow Nadia- VERY VERY well are right about the fact that church leaders are doing women a favor by discussing the topic of clothes during a sermon, however, I need to say that no matter how long or how persistent the leaders will talk on this subject, it just depends on the lady......she can accept the rule, obide by it and change her wardrobe, or rebel....I'm not sure if there is middle ground ....well, actually there become a hypocrit (which is scarier I think....) whatever I say next may sound harsh, but I really think that if Jesus would be the center of each woman's life, there would be no room for looking like the world you know?.......What do you think? Please correct me if I'm the way, I love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Victoria said...

I think it's also ironic that women generally want a "good" guy...who sees more than their outer blessings..but who can have a great conversation and recognize or appreciate the personality etc...and many of those women undress to appear appealing on the outside--which of course, while a "repellent" for the "good Guys" is an attention grabber from the "losers" who--all they can see, is through your clothes.
I'm so glad you reminded me of how deep this topic really is.

I portray God because He lives in me, I am his daughter. There is a certain fear with that title, representing the only One who is

Nadia said...

Lena you are very right. Nothing to correct you on. It all comes down to your relationship with God. If you desire to please Him, then there shouldn't be the crazy notion or need of pleasing men.

Lena said...

I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!! ok, i seriously check this blog daily now! thank you for the wonderful really stretches my brain!..........deep stuff to think about! Love ya girls!

Irina said...

That was a reminder. Thats a very good topic. thanks for going into the deep part of it, and takeing your time in explaining it. Also the book that we are reading helps alot with this also. alot of times girls mix up the reality of us and the guys, i mean dnt realize that we are sooo different.and to look at the side of guys and us its so easy to be modest and so easy to dress right by jsut being us. and we will also please God with that! thanks once more...

Nat said...

You go sista! This is the kinda stuff that really makes a different...just telling someone they can't do something wont change a thing if that person does not understand the reason behind it...(meaning why it's inapropriate to dress inapropriately)...believe it or not...some ppl just grow up in a crowd where dressing inapropriately is normal...they don't even see anything wrong with it...just telling someone like that to change their wardrobe won't work...they need a different approach.

Well that's not talking about our young ladies...b/c we were all raised differently..right? I hope so...

But just an example of what i'm talking about:
I was talking to one of my classmates in college one day about the way she was random but it started when she told me that she was married...I coudln't believe it...! I even told her that, I said by the way you dress, I thought you were single...

I think generally we as christians, we view ppl who dress provacatively as someone who's trying to get attention...
(attention from guys)..right? tell me if i'm wrong...

well n-e-ways, just wanted to share that it's the reason behind that what we should and shouldn't do that really makes all the differenec. And ofcourse a Christian young lady who devotes her time to the Bible would know that reason...(unless ofcourse she's a hypocrite like Lena mentioned!)'s so nice that we have this blog to express our thoughts on different topics...i love it too! helps me out.
And thanx Nad for starting it again...

pursueing_God said...

wonderful article. this is a topic i think people is the russian churches hear too much about and not enough about. there are many many sermons about this topic but then again very few of those sermons focus on the soul..where it must all begin. if you dont have a modest heart, the right attitude, your dress wont matter. first and foremost is the heart,at least in God's eyes.

nadia have you listened to c j mahaney's "soul of modesty"? you quoted directly from it =) i cannot recommend this sermon highly enough for anyone, guys or is the first sermon i heard that spoke of the soul first and focused on the Gospel. i wasnt even aware you could in such a subject until i heard this sermon!! God used this sermon to radically change my life, my view and my newly acquiered LOVE for modesty..below are two links where y ou could listen to this sermon for free