Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Cure for Anxiety

Ok...so I'm not about to make up some fony-balony-cure thing...none of that...don't worry.

Just want to direct you to Matthew Chaper 6:25- 34.

Read it. ...
......then come back and read this post.


So a friend kinda stopped me in the middle of my cRaZy-HecKtIk-SuPpeR-BuIsy-ExTrA-sTreSsful-MoMent....(I'm trying to overwhelm you...so you get the point here...)
...told me to stop what I'm doing and go read Matthew 6:25-34.
The moment I oppened my Bible to that spot, all I could see was "The Cure for Anxiety"...( maybe your Bible has that as well, where there is a subheading before each new thought...)
N-E-Waiz...reading along, now supper eager to find out what this "cure" was...(geez...what was I expecting...lol..) and only to find out that it's not a new passage from the Bible, read it before, so what, big deal right...? NOT...
I read it, and re-read parts of it...and ZAPPP!!!...miracle "cure"...my anxiety gone!!!! (ok...not that kinda zapp...and not all gone just like that...hehe, messing with you guys here a little...give me a break. it's late.)

What I figured, (God's Word showed me I should say) ...was that I was worrying too much about the tomorrow that may never come.
Verse 34 stood out the most.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (NASB )

Often times we overwhelm ourselves with worries; gotta do this, and that, and make this appointment next week and not miss that one, call this person and e-mail another one, homework, college, church, friends, family, blah blah blah blah...it goes on and on and on....AND ON...un-ending cycle at times, and all we really need is to be reminded of Matthew 6:34.

"Do not worry about tomorrow"
"Tomorrow will care for itself"
"Each day had enough trouble of its own"...

I am not by any means trying to take this verse out of context. at all. just applying it to my life, and hope you do too...think about it this way...
Just take it one day at a time. If you read the passage, you see how the example of the birds and the lilies relates. Amazing. God is Amazing!

We just have to bring our worries/troubles/problems/etc. to HIM. and Trust HIM to take care of us.

If I left something out...fill it in in the comments area. God Bless you guys. and seriously....can we just stop the worrying already?! lol..

*Also, I am not calling you to live your life like a bum, or couch potatoe..No no...making plans and having goals in your life that you strive to achieve is a good thing...worrying about little things toooo much on the other hand is not.

*To that person who remined me what the cure for anxiety is...thank you. May God Bless.


Irina said...

Thats a good reminder every thing you do come to God about it and bring the day into His hands and depend on our Lord. Thanks for the great reminder ima read it for my self also.. Gods blessings

Nadia said...

Thanks Nat! I needed that reminder. I need to breaaathhee and take it a day at a time.