Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All the Christian Ladies.

actually, AND GENTLEMEN!!! =) now put cho hands up, UP, hahah.

yes, put them up if you are also Guilty, with a capital Gee, of accidentally, coincidentally, or purposefullyently =) joining in on a conversation where someone was speaking negatively about another person!!

I love the lessons God Gives me. He is SO SO awesome. so I will share =) i just Cant hold it in!

numero uno: in work, or school, or wherever we are stuck in close proximity to others for a while, there will be differences in personalities, opinions, ways of doing things, expectations...yadda yadda

there WILL be moments where, if not youuu, someone else will need to "VENT", so to speak, about what happened/who-said-what/ how Becky Smith sucks at stapeling papers... or how Rude she is today...
PLEASE please, whatever you do, DO NOT engage in a conversation like that...I'm not even mentioning not to be the one to START one. oops, I just did huh...

but you know what I mean?

It's so easy to be SUCKED into conversations like that, and although "people do it all the time" "no harm in discussing the facts" "its' the truth and she needs to know/change" unchristian people will expect you to nod, agree, add in your two cents, or at least act surprised with a "REALLY?". No no no no no

even though others may have been doing it, a Godly woman does not. Even on your suckiest day ever, take a deep breath, but don't let out ANY of your thoughts...even if you are right, even if it is all true. not even a "Did she ever seem _____ to you?"

If you stay cautious of yourself and keep your mouth shut even when something horrible obviously happened and Becky Smith is obviously the one who made the happened horrible...ugh-u get it....as a Christian, you a sheltering yourself with the Light of God..Because when you leave home, from day 1 at your job...or after 25 years at your job...let them say "you know, I've never heard her say anything about anyone. Ever. I respect her for that".

You will stand out.

because your reactions and deeds go against the "expected" or "normal"

it will be tempting sometimes because someone will approach you and go "can you believe so and so did this and that" and, in my opinion, the best response who be...a slight curve of your lips and a "hmm"..."Is there anything I can do"...or if it's completely direct a response like "I'm sorry but I feel uncomfortable at conversations like this".

well, what do you think?

*Nadia I apologize that this isnt exactly how it went....you know what I mean, please add the missed gaps. gracias*


Nat said...

Thank you for sharing your lessons! I like your humor in it too!...hahahah..."put cho hands up!"...ya almost caught me! lol..

Nadia said...

Thanks Vickies for posting this.

Anonymous said...

wow that was a good snap-out-of-it moment... i cant even begin to count times per day that i run into this problem at work... sometimes theres just soo much of it going on at the same time that i just have no choice but to pretend i have to go somewhere to go and just get on the elevator and just go... (and i pick the elevator cuz its the only place where people just blankly stare at the door in dead and awkward silence...) lol... anyways thanks for the great reminder!