Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yes on 8!!!

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
So you all know how proposition 8 passed and I am super excited that we are still upholding that law that marriage is between a man and a woman!!! Well I of course have my Yes on 8! bumper sticker that I absolutely refuse to take off my car. I told myself that the only way that sticker will come off is if it dries off. Well, I was feeling pretty sure of myself up until I took a trip to San Francisco one weekday with one of my friends. Unfortunately, without a navigation we kind of got lost (no surprise!!!). So I'm driving up and down those hills and I feel as if we drove the whole length of Frisco without finding any familiar turning street (who invented confusing road maps with 0pt font that you have to read with an eyeglass anyway?). All of a sudden I see the "cheerful" colors of one rainbow flag, than another, than a BIGGER rainbow flag and then a panic seizes me and I'm like noooooooooooo way am I lost in Frisco, "accidentally" driving down Castro district ALONE with one friend, AND a super bright yellow yes on 8! sign right smack dab on my bumper! I got so used to driving around a city where a majority voted for Yes on 8 that when I drove into an area where it plainly screams "equality" I froze in fear. hmm.. But when I thought about it, I felt like a coward! If others who support NO on 8 still have the giant posters in their windows and the blue bumper stickers on their cars do so with pride, how come I'm so afraid of what others will think of my views? What those no on 8 people LACK is my God. My God who told me multiple times to not be afraid and be a light here in this world. I have His hands into which I could entrust my life, my family and my car (with my super cool Yes on 8! sticker) and I shall not be afraid to drive into life's "Castro" Districts and cringe in fear because I know ... that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 That yes on 8 sticker will remain until it dries off!!!


Marinchik said...

This made me think alot about life...Its true we always show ourselves as if we are really proud of it and then people ask what if you had a gun held to your head and if you said you were a christian they would shoot you but if you said you werent they would let you live, and so you think i wanna live but your going against God...Thats almost the same thing as the bumper sticker...I like this blog

Nat said...

You go Nachos!!!! whooooo!!!! Thank God you made it out..but I really like the "life's 'Castro' valleys croslink. Very interesting.

Victoria said...

hahahah love that!! I'm so proud your blog! "it will stay there till it drives off!" lol. great thoughts!!!