Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Freedom is more Damaging?!!

Believe it or not, this thought has been marinating for a year or so...and I never seemed to spit it out. so here it comes...minus the spit hahah

I was working with an RN (once upon a time) on the and the patient was really badly pause for a second...WARNING: if you currently have cardiac abnormalities or a history of Cardiac disease, please please please....stop the caffiene and salt and do continue to relax while reading our but seriously, if you are the type of person who is visual, don't visualize this.=P fair warning buster.

So this patient, ummm Mr/Mrs Burn is almost unrecognizeable becuase of the severity of injury. He/she (for confidentiality reasons) has burns on face/head/ears/arms/legs/back/buttocks. I mean, it wasn't pretty. The name of the patient seemed familiar but didnt ring a bell...not much would ring any bells in my brain, but anyway, the RN I was working with didnt say anything either...that is, until the family of the patient came in!

All of a sudden, the RN realizes that the family of this patient and the RN are really good friends and...having your good friends' parent to take care of can be an overwhelming assignment. The patient, the patients' kin, the RN and me are in the room, and you know, the RN says "I'm so sorry about what happened..." then, being cautious so as not to be obvious, someone asks to pray....

yes, we bowed our heads, and all prayed. It felt like the MOST important moment of the day was fulfilled. I cannot describe the atmosphere in the felt like the room was detached from the hospital, that somehoe, among all the rush and ado...the world stopped turning so that God can hear the prayer--The RN prayed for God's healing touch and blessing, for a great recovery, for the family to cope through this hard time...I mean, everything I learned in Nursing School cannot add up to the feeling of God leading you, hearing you, holding you, teaching you, touching others through you.

ok Victoria, get to the point...and whats with the title!

So, yea, why did I say Freedom is more damaging...I come from a church that is traditional, conservative, strict..Baptist...most of the european immigrants come from communist countries where freedom to believe and practice your faith was not an option. Here, we are SO tremendously blessed to have that. HOWEVER...time changes many things, and the devil does not a matter of fact, he must have a pHD in deceiving....he uses his weapons against his Christian targets after a looooong time of examining the best attack method. I feel know how things you can't have you want even more? like if you tell a kid he can't have chocolate, that's ALL he ever wants... well, in the communistic world, the bigger the pressure, the stronger, more sincere, more courageous Love towards our God was expressed, lived and so on.

Now that we have this freedom to practice, share our thoughts/blessings...we are BOUNDED by freedom to do so...and not only do churches (youth) become so uninterested and relaxed because of it (exactly what devil pondered would happen) , but this freedom of religion/faith causes us to be more "CAUTIOUS" about expressing it so that we don't "offdend/degrade/judge anyone else's faith. So there we stood, praying behind curtains so that no one can see or get offended.

I must admit, it kind of hurts that moments like that we tend to think should be hidden. I personally disagree. why? well, let me tell you! because I have taken care of a Buddhist who openly had his cd player playing the looooonggggg monotone prayers...I kid you not, i was in the elevator going to my car humming the darn prayers and nearly had to slap myself out of it! If I am taught to respect another person's faith, I shouldn't feel threatened to openly pray with my patient either. huh! well, i dunno what to think of all of it. ugh

but on another note, I am so proud to say that a man I havent even spoken to yet, who cleans our patients rooms every day almost, silently, slowly and humbly makes a world of a difference wihout even knowing it: first it was when he said "God Bless everyone" at the end of his shift, then it was from a patient who said "oh I am healing so well, its because the guy who cleaned my room said he prays for me every day" and another patient who said "the guy who cleanes my room brought me da Bible, so I best be readin it cuz I wanna get outta da Hospital, so Im gunna start readin it pretty quick now". hahaha a combination of smiles and tears fills my heart. Bless that man who cleans their rooms.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. We are free to shine darlings. free. to. shine.


Nadia said...

You said it sista!! We need to wake up and take advantage of this freedom God has given us!!! There is a reason why God has given us European immigrants an opportunity to be in this country and now he's blessing us. We need to start being OBVIOUS Christians and just like Jesus in his days did not hide who had sent Him on earth for us people, we need to shine a light on this country. How's that for a plan?

Victoria said...

love the plan! i cant believe the computer let me babble so much! lol. I wrote that after the last 12 hour shift!! ugh, the synapses in my brain were obviously not excited =)

Nat said...

Yes! I agree with you!!! especially on the part that the things that are forbidden seem to be the things we want the most..sometimes for no good reason at all...just because they are forbidden...really funny story on that...okay tangent I know...but the other day we were sitting with a group and near us was theis staricase that no one was allowed to go up on ...we were inside a building..and so I'm sitting there, and outa nowhere i say," I wanna go up those stairs!" and someone asks me "Why?" and my response without thinking was "becuase I'm not supposed to..." ...this is a good example of a bad example...if you get what I mean. There is something in our nature that just wants to rebel agains all laws and rules...and sometimes for no legitamete reason...just because it's forbidden it's wanted more. But relating this to your great point, I think this time of freedom is our "testing period" , and we can already see how sharing our faith is becoming more of a problem in differnt areas, and I mean like locally on some campuses...We need to motivate eachother to use the freedome we have for good while we still have that could very well be taken away from us one day...
Thanks again for the thoughts...

Anonymous said...

wow girlies! u are all so amazing a.k.a.-women of faith! ok so now i am officially hooked to this blog.. it has been an encouragement and a check point.. and i always have these battles inside me at work... sonce i work in a hospital, 90 percent of people i deal with are sick and many are dying... and many times i wonder should i go and tell that person about Gods love or is it not appropriate? does anyone have any insight to that?
anyways, grreat postings guys! keep it comming, ur all in my prayers!

Nat said...

Awwwee Margie! Welcome aboard sista! ...I am battling that too...even though i don't work in a hospital, I'm always afraid to "affend people" by saing the wrong thing...but the world is goin down, and ppl are not afraid or affended to drag us down with y should we be afraid to pull them up?... one person once told me that if i had an opportunity and i blew it, the guilt will be on me if they die sinners...i'm afraid of that...

but i agree with you...i don't think it would be very smart to loose my job, i mean i just don't know if i'm legaly allowed to come up to my boss and ask him/her if they are believers, and if they arent...tell them they need to repent...and maybe in the end here something like "you need to take your things and find yourself another job"...
maybe i'm over doing it..but i'm with ya...

Irina said...

Wow. thats so true i love you girls, you like wake me up and you know wheny ou have this feeling that everything is ok in your spiritual life and everything is calm and going well but then you dnt have this exiting heart pumping and that makes me get scared like man something is going down, and thanks for these blogs it makes my heart pump and gives me the feeling to praise the Lord! thanks for giving me a eye opener. lol.