Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am a... trashcan?

Ok so Vickie did an awesome job at going over the topic of gossip and behind-the-back conversations that so often occur as a result of judgement, scrutiny, or misunderstanding. I find myself in these situations soooo often!!! Before I say anything else, I would like to first say (not boast) that I was born a listener in my family. Since I'm the baby of the family, I learned that what i'm great at is listening (praise the Lord of course).
The only thing slightly wrong with my gift of listening is that I encounter many different people (occasionally with negative things to say about others) in my lifetime and I... listen. At work I had to encounter frustrated employees who had plenty to say about our "wonderful' store managers and I like so many other times...listened. Then there are girls forever frustrated with their friends or relationships and I...listened. But just like Vickie Victoria pointed out, listening to another person venting about someone and asking of your opinion, is just like participating in venting and gossipping YOURSELF. That's why you politely excuse yourself and zoom your way outta that situation like your tails on fire!!! lol Because in the long run, you won't feel horrible for listening and then feel compelled to answer when you're being confronted.
I am still a listener and I enjoy or actually LOVE to listen to people (topics that are positive of course) but I know that whenever I was in that situation where I'm caught in the middle with an irritated person who's spewing out flames and judgements at someone and I listened, I felt really dark and nasty inside because I sat around and listened. Of course, after listening you feel obligated to speak also and I was pulled into that vacuum of judgement and venting. I came out feeling horrible, restless, and very ashamed. Instead of functioning as a listener for helpful purposes, I was nothing more than a trashcan walking away feeling dark and dirty. But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God. John 3:21


Nat said...

Hey, that's a great point! I'm glad you posted it...i saw your comment to Vickie to post it, but I guess you couldn't wait and did it yourself! That's great...and thank you again for being a great listener! we love you for it...sorry if i ever made you feel like a trash can...
you are not!

Victoria said...

THANK YOU! so much better said =) hahah and I love the title. and...i love you you wonderful listener you! =)